Whilton Mill hosted the revival of this once annual meet where each club could nominate their best 2 (non seeded) drivers in each class. There would be individual Timed qualifying, heat, prefinal and final with the winner being King of Club and each driver being awarded points to be collected and totalled up each race for the over all title Ace of Clubs to the club scoring the most points. Riley was delighted to be asked to represent Whilton Mill, especially as this was his first season in Junor Max and he had only completed a few races at this level. Unfortunately the competition wasnt as well supported as it may have been, some clubs were very reluctant to bring their drivers to Whilton, were it could be argued there are very good facilities. Other clubs brought, albeit unseeded, S1 drivers, which perhaps was an indication of what was to come!! As this is a FUN meet all drivers in the Whilton tent mechanicked themselves, the S1 drivers however turned up with their teams!! Despite the obvious glaring inequalities and much bravado and blustering from other competitors Timed Qualifying went well and Riley was top by a reasonable margin. TQ has always suited us, Riley is able to do his own thing and find a good lap. However, it became obvious there was alot of S1 pride at stake and Riley was never going to be to race. He was lunged at several times, put on the grass, he drove back only to be taken off again, before finally being driven over with the other boys kart narrowly missing his head and landing on his hand. He was stuck in the kart as he couldnt get out from behind the steering wheel and was obviously in some pain.
Where there may have been an apology, instead the boys father screamed at him about his driving standards! I think its sad that this parent is obviously under so much strain, and putting his son under so much pressure, that this is his reaction at a fun meeting when they lose a heat. After 5 hours in A&E luckily Rileys hand wasnt broken and he had every intention of driving on the Sunday, just to get some points for Whilton. But in the morning his hand was so swollen he couldnt hold the steering wheel. We watched live timing from home and was really happy when yet another scuffle among the leaders resulted in Rileys Whilton Mill teammate wining the race and giving Whilton Mill the necessary points to win Ace of Clubs. Karma!
So can you guess what we did for his birthday? Yep, indoor karting with some friends. Theres a new improved track just down the road in WSM (AJs), so with all of them now being 14 they could get into the bigger karts so bring on the mayhem!
December 2023