9th September - CP Club Championship Round 8
Honda Cadets on the grid 30 Finished 24th A very difficult and disheartening race. First race at Clay for a couple of months, so Riley was always going to be lacking a bit of his usual pace. But racing off his novice plates means he is now racing with the mid pack and there is alot more bashing and shoving here. He was up to 8th a few times in the heats, but got taken off each time and was driven into by another driver who obviously didnt understand that waved red flags meant there would be stationery karts infront of him! Ouch... There is much the same ignorance of no overtaking on yellows. Its so frustrating for Riley to slow down in the yellow sector and then see himself caught AND overtaken by someone who was way behind him. Marshalls must notice, yet it seems no action is taken. Postives to take from the race - the new engine seems to be faster and will only get better with more laps on it. Riley's overtaking was much better which did enable him to move through the pack. Rant over... must get out of the middle pack and to the front!!
December 2023